Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Episode 87: The Power is Back On!

Hey everybody,

Things are going well here. We had a huge rain storm that just ended and caused the power to go out all over town. But it was great because now everything isn't as hot as before.

Well, things are going great with the members as well. The branch here only has about 100 members, and only 40 are active. But we are trying to work a little bit harder with them to encourage them and to be able to find people to teach. My companion has been in this area for 3 transfers already so he knows the members very well so that should help us to have their confidence. And we are going to try to offer service to the members so that they will be more likely to support us.

Currently we have a few investigators that we are working with. The closest that we have to baptism is a couple named Londar and Marilis. They are living together but have a goal to get married in June. They are really great, and our other investigators are too, but there is a big problem that we have. The people here rarely answer their cell phones so it makes it a little bit more difficult to do verification but we are working on that too.

Have a great week,

Elder Parker

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